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Negahban Program Eligibility Check

The Negahban Program, specifically the Negahban Rashan Program, offers essential food items to underprivileged families in Pakistan, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. To ensure resources are directed towards those who need them most, the program implements a verification process to determine eligibility.

Who is Eligible for the Negahban Program?

The Negahban Rashan Program prioritizes individuals and families struggling with economic hardship. The program strives to ensure aid reaches those who need it most by considering several factors during the eligibility assessment:

  • Income Level: Low income is a primary criterion. The program focuses on families falling below a specific income threshold established by the program.
  • Family Size: Larger families with limited income may be given special consideration as they have more mouths to feed.

The Eligibility Criteria include

  • Poverty score below 30%
  • Confirmed low income (less than 60,000 rupees per month)
  • Possession of a CNIC
  • No passport generation
  • No vehicle in your name

How to Check Eligibility

There are currently two main ways to check eligibility for the Negahban Rashan Program:

  • House-to-House Survey: The program conducts surveys directly at the residences of potentially eligible households. This survey gathers crucial information about a family’s economic situation, including factors like monthly income, family size, and widowhood status. Based on this data, program officials determine eligibility.
  • SMS Verification: A more recent option involves sending your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number to a designated SMS number, typically 8070. The program will then send a response informing you of your eligibility status.

Important Note: It’s important to remember that eligibility criteria can change over time. While the SMS verification offers a convenient way to check, the house-to-house survey remains the primary method for determining eligibility.


The program prioritizes ensuring aid reaches those who need it most. If you haven’t been approached for a survey or haven’t received a positive SMS response, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ineligible. You can stay updated on program developments through our official channels for further information.